Saturday, November 28, 2009

Changing of Seasons & Seasons of Change

Happy Thanksgiving! We have much to be grateful for, but my mind is continually drawn back to privilege of being known by God because of Jesus Christ. What great reason to be thankful and rejoice! We also have MANY other things to be thankful for including...

We are thankful for a new home! A week ago we moved across town. Some dear friends of ours had a job transfer to Phoenix, so we will be renting their home during their absence. We already have fallen in love with it, and are thankful for the ability enjoy this change from apartment living. :) We will put up pictures soon once we get more settled! For now, here is a little picture from our Christmas tree that we put up yesterday!
We are thankful that Thanksgiving break brings some college students home! Here is Joel spending some fun time with DK. :)
We are thankful for family to celebrate with! We spent the afternoon at my parent's home celebrating Thanksgiving with the Hougham side of the family, as well as grandparents. We are so thankful for the family that God has given to both Justin and me. Joel enjoyed the appetizers and dinner of his first Thanksgiving too. :)
We are thankful for healthy bodies! Our little family participated in a local charity event called the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. We did the 5K and had a blast! (the pictures were AFTER the event:)

We are thankful for our precious baby boy! Actually, our baby boy is growing up and turning into a little boy. We thank the Lord for his life and that God spared it even amidst medical difficulty and an uncertain future. He is such a gift.
Hanging out with Grandpa and being carried around in a duffle bag. What fun! :)
Enjoying a little "Joel sized apple" at Apple Hill
We are thankful for dear friends! God has blessed us with special friends to encourage and strengthen us. These are our friends that have just moved to Arizona, and we miss tons already!

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