Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday Morning

What a fun morning we have had. Joel's been waking up earlier because of the brighter mornings, so we were all up and getting breakfast going by 7. Joel ran all around the house in his diaper (which is super cute) and Justin read to me from The Gospel Primer as I made some muffins and maple sausage. After breakfast, Justin settled on the couch to begin his day of seminary study. Joel, though, wasn't about to be left out. He brought over one of his books and settled next to his dad for some study too. I had to pull out the camera for this!

Also, we have a chin-up bar in our doorway, and Joel is determined that if daddy does it, I need to do it to. He's got down exactly what he needs to do, even down to the grunts as he pulls up and down. And we think little kids don't notice things...ha!

By 8:45, Joel was wiped out and ready for a nap. I'm so thankful for my precious family, and for the blessing of a morning to be together and enjoy this gift!

Monday, May 10, 2010


We were able to spend last weekend with some of our Juniors and Seniors down in Southern California. It was beautiful weather and we had a great time together. Of course, I forgot to take pictures at the beach of Joel in his super cute little beach outfit, but here are some pics of our time at a Go Cart Racing place. It's amazing how soon boys enjoy cars...Joel gravitated to the car race arcade game right away! :)
Having some fun with Dance Revolution. He actually was stomping on the squares!